BATTLE ISLE 2200 - Short Instructions You are the master strategist of the ROOM, the Drullian military operations command center. The Drullian people have selected you to conquer the marauding Titan-Net military; if you don't destroy them the Drullian civilization will vanish. You will order your robot army, navy, and air force units against Titan-net's raging power. So lets turn on the Milop control console and begin your battle. General Information The Milop screen has two areas. The main view screen lets you see your units and any other enemy units in your visual range. Underneath the viewer is the control bar. The control bar is where you give your units different orders, get information, or end your turn. You only need your mouse to play the game. Your military units are blue and Titan-net forces are red. Move your mouse pointer over one of your units. Now press your right mouse button to select the unit. The unit appears in your control bar along with a description of the shape it is in. Your mouse pointer becomes a green ball over the control buttons. The red bar shows you how many active vehicles are there. The green bar tells how much fuel you have; be sure your units have plenty of fuel or they won't be able to move! The small pictures to the left tells you the different weapons the unit uses. The top weapon is your "A" weapon, the second is your"B" weapon. The number on the left lists how many shots you have of each. Your units may have up to four weapons. Moving and Attacking The game is turn based. Each unit moves and attacks one at a time. When your unit has finished moving and attacking it turns gray. Try moving a tank. Click on the tank unit with your left mouse button, choose the four arrows button on the control bar, and then select a highlighted hexagon to move. The unit will drive over to the new area. You can't move into hexes that are in gray. If the unit can attack the mouse pointer will turn into a ball again. Choose the fist button and click on a highlighted enemy to target. The battle unfolds in 3D animation, letting you see the gains and losses on both sides. Choose another unit and continue your turn until you have no more units to move. End your turn by choosing "Change mode." Do this at any time by pressing down your left mouse button. The "Change Mode" button appears on your control bar. Choose this command. When this "change mode" command appears again, choose it once more and the computer takes its turn. Occupying Enemy Buildings Only certain units can take over enemy installations. Your Demons, Rangers, and Trolls are the units that may do this. Repairs When a unit becomes heavily damaged, you should move it into a depot for repairs. When doing repairs, you use the building's store of energy (E) and materials (M). You have limited resources; give important units a priority. Repairing a unit takes two turns; one to move the unit in and the other to fix and move the unit out. When you move units out of buildings you can not attack until the next turn. Special Actions Many units can do special actions. You can make these units build roads, destroy roads, fill ammunition, and load fuel. When a unit has these capabilities a special actions button will appear on the control bar. Be careful though, these units are easily destroyed by Titan-net's forces. Transportation Some units also transport other units. For instance, you can load Demon units into Snake Armored Cars. This way you can attack first with your armored car and then move out your robot units to attack on the following turn or immediately take over an enemy building. Manufacturing Certain installations can manufacture new units. Be sure you make new weapons, as these give you a powerful advantage. Each manufacturing plant makes specific units depending on available energy and materials. Click on an empty button in the factory display screen. A list of the possible units appears. Choose the unit you want to build. A second screen next shows how much this action will cost you in energy and materials. If you want this unit made, click on produce again. Choose leave to cancel your order. Terrain and Weather The landscape and weather have a big effect on unit movement. Be sure to adjust your tactics depending upon weather forecasts. Heavy units like tanks move better when ground is firm. A major attack can become minor if tank treads are spinning in mud. Also your transport units cannot move on snowy or muddy terrain; they'll only move on roads. Lighter units usually can move in almost any weather or terrain. Mountains and bodies of water cause severe limitations. Get to know the different terrain types so you can plan your strategy! Other Options Gather much information as possible on Titan-net and their allies. You can find more information quickly by using special control bar commands. Choosing the eye button gives you an overview map. Selecting empty terrain and then information shows a summary of your forces, friendly forces, and opposing forces. Selecting a unit and then choosing information gives you that unit's description. Menu Clicking the menu button shows you game options. You can save games, load games, and change battle graphics. How to Win Destroy all enemy units and occupy enemy headquarters. When you have done this the game is over. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank You for playing the BATTLE ISLE 2200 Demo Disk. The huge complete version of BATTLE ISLE 2200 will be available on PC CD ROM and floppy disk Fall '94. "One thing stands between Titan-Net and total victory... You - The Strategist" o Take control of Drullian forces in a campaign of over 20 scenarios. o Play against up to 4 players by network, null modem, or e-mail. Additional copies of the game required for multi-players over a network. o Reference a complete on-line database with exquisite 3-D weapons. o Command forces with over 50 types of weapons o Watch each battle played out instantly in incredible 3-D animations. CD ROM: Packed with amazing animations and CD quality music. Available at a retail store near you. Requires double speed CD ROM drive, 6 MB hard disk space, 4 MB RAM, and VGA Monitor. Suggested Retail $ 59.95 Floppy Disk: Call 1-800-245-7744. Requires 12 MB hard disk space, 4 MB RAM, and VGA Monitor. The costs is $ 29.95 plus tax, shipping, and handling. Call Accolade Tech Support at 408-296-8400 between 8am to 5pm PST if you have any questions about playing this demo. Battle Isle is a trademark of BlueByte Software GmbH, (C) 1994 BlueByte Software GmbH, Licensed by Accolade, Inc. All Rights Reserved.